What I’d like to tell you about this evening ,if you can grasp it will have profound implications for all facets of your lives going forward.
It is an understanding that underpins how everything in the world works. How we as human beings work.
How much health we experience and the degree to which we thrive.
It is complex yet simple.
.It has been understood by scientist and physicists for many years now that everything we previously thought of as solid is in fact just collections of vibrating molecules that emit frequencies OR vibrate at a certain resonance.
WE as human beings are made up at the most basic level , of cells that also vibrate at a frequency .
We intuitively know a lot more about this level of energy within ourselves as we say “Something he said RESONATED” with me or “I got a GOOD VIBE from the place”
Our level of vibration is not static but moves up and down in frequency depending on our internal and external state. This can depend on many things not least our thoughts but also the food we eat , the environment we live in , the people around us and the kind of work we do etc.Our vibration once we become aware of it is very much within our control.
So what I’m saying is that really underneath the surface of the stories we call our lives are effectively complex patterns of frequencies or energy traffic similar to mobile phone signals.
They’re all around us, we can’t see them but we know they work. Similarly for anyone who remembers computers before windows put a frame work on them to make them look well they were just black screens with reams of green numbers and lines of code underneath
The medical profession are now coming around to the understandings that illnesses have a particular frequency and vibration which is both instrumental in creating the dis-ease or disturbed vibration of the bodies subtle electrical energy path ways.Effectively vibrations in the body which have deviated from the frequency of healthy vibration.
.It might be fair to say this all sounds very complicated and what does that mean to me.
If you were to look at the mobile phones probably everyone in the room has in their pockets its likely few if any understand the technology underneath them yet everyone knows when it rings you press the green button and when you’re finished you press the red buttons. Some of you have gone further than that and now know how to send emails and surf the internet with them . All the same technology …just that you have learned to look at it with more awareness of what you can do with it .
……..Energetics is the same thing.The feelings we call emotions are really energetic messengers carrying information as to the state of our internal environment .. ..and our inner vibration regulates our external environment
The closer to our natural optimum best feeling we are ;
the higher , faster and lighter our vibration
The further away from our natural optimum best feeling we are ; the lower , slower and denser our vibration will feel
Here is the exciting part of this : When we begin to slowly become aware that vibration is underpinning everything from the people we meet , our relationships, our friends ,our health , the success in relation to having what we want …we begin to understand that our vibration is very important.
For Example : We want to feel better –What we are really saying is we want to experience a higher , lighter faster vibration.
When we turn our attention to how we want to feel ..we realise when we change the quality of how we choose to resonate better experiences happen
When we feel good (higher vibration) we are drawn to higher vibration food
When we feel bad (lower vibration) we are drawn to eat low vibration food
Everything in our environment feeds into how we feel so to choose a higher vibration in any area filters into all areas .
Here’s the trick:
Nature is always pulling us up towards our highest vibration and we actually have to work hard to stay down , to resist being drawn up.Like a football held under water
When you understand that to move from one level of health to another level its about allowing ourselves to be drawn to a higher vibration of health
When you understand that moving from one level of affluence to another its about allowing ourselves to be drawn to a higher vibration.
When you really really come to know that change or movement only happens on the outside when we can allow that vibrational shift OR RELEASE on the inside we have cracked the secret of life.
When we really really come to know what anchors us to lower vibrations we can release them and automatically get drawn upwards like a balloon to higher vibrations
When you understand you can never experience the vibration of health while vibrating not well
When you understand you can never experience the vibration of enough money while vibrating not enough money
When you understand you can never experience the vibration of being enough while vibrating the feeling of being not enough
When you understand that the external conditions of your life only change when the inner vibration changes.
The real secret of releasing your vibration upwards to improved conditions is to
Understand that you don’t have to be special talented or skilled to become an energy match to what you want you just have to let your whole vibration lift.
Like the solution to a problem is always at a higher vibration than the problem you have to release the problem to rise to the solution.
Everything in life is like that . Your desire to have more income may be born of the frequency of no money but you have to let that frequency go if you are to allow the higher frequency of more financial success in for it resides at a higher frequency than not enough.
When you see beyond the story of your life and truly understand that everything in your life is energy everything becomes beautifully clear and stuff just happens.
More information will be available soon through MasterkeyEnergetics .com
Meanwhile I would encourage you to see beneath the stories of your lives and tune into the resonance and vibration that undercurrents your day to day life. An upward change in the vibration of any aspect of your life will lift all aspects of your life , health , relationships and success.