16th July to 21st July 2017


    Arona Italy Seminars

    Apoca Seminars London & Italy

    New Orleans March 2016


    The work of the Apoca-foundation is in research into the area of resonance and frequency of consciousness in unlocking expanded states of possibility within the human body mind system . Through ground breaking research over the last 30 years by the originator of this work the key to unlocking of exponentially expanded consciousness, mind functioning and positive life change has evolved.

    The Apoca-trans-formation seminars are the ultimate evolution in life transformation seminars.

    Small group’s 6-12 people life change seminar’s Italy, Corporate brainstorm unhook your mind & business to unlimited , Personal one to one week Life change intensives where schedule’s permit.

    Contact me directly at above right to arrange a solution to your personal/ group or organisations requirements at our venue’s in Italy or outside Italy.


    Finding THE limitless Life Underneath Your Life “

    The Apoca-transformation seminar is unique in the world of personal change and has been created from vast, deep understandings of the nature of the subconscious emotional body mind over many years by Paul Sullivan  paulsullivan.website as a Psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist, holistic investor, writer, speaker & provider of global trans-formative seminars on the incredible power of understanding, reconnecting and igniting the  transformative power of our being, in living the live’s we were meant to live.


    A single phenomena observed  in not just one but all clients in altered states of awareness sparked a profound eureka moment of insight that unlocked incredible life change in those clients far beyond anything imagines and upon which founded 12 years of the deepest research and exploration of the inner workings of our body mind which produced the process now called the Apoca transformation process.

    The depth of hidden secrets revealed along this journey of seeking out the ultimate truth’s of understanding which are the foundation of the Apoca transformation seminars culminated, after following an intuitive draw to Italy, in a series of almost miraculous synchronous  happenings and revelations one after the other which revealed and confirmed the deepest common thread running throughout 30 years of research and thousands of years before that.


    The Apoca transformation seminar has been described by some as the ultimate key to unlimited freedom for living,  This master key IS what has been and still is hidden when what limits or imprisons you or your business’ expansion is resolved at a deep level of subconscious then limitless freedom can be effortlessly realised.


    The Apoca seminar process is the culmination of 30 years research and professional work into the area of freedom , happiness and the realisation of our potential to live our unique dream  now. This deeply transformative process is borne of deep understanding of the true nature of our inner worlds, our mind, body, heart, soul, creative spirit, of happiness, of hearts re- connected. It is of the incredible potential of the body mind energy system in not just some but all of us, in uncovering a dream life that is uniquely ours, beyond anything we previously might have allowed ourselves to imagine.

    This is not something which is added but something which is in all of us and which, if activated, uncovered and allowed rise to the very surface and fore front of our lives. true magic could be said to have happened where life circumstances, relationships, life, business and personal success, love, joy and happiness soar.

    We find ourselves living lives not in our dreams or through TV, or the fantasy of magazines but in the reality of our own heart, soul and minds dream made manifest. This is not a shaky premise of think positive and imagine lots but of a trans formative reversion to our very soul and core. A seeing and experiencing of another life which is uniquely yours yet transformed inside out on the most solid foundation.

    That description may suggest some form of magical thinking whereas the Apoca trans-formation originator Paul Sullivan has, since a unique and life altering experience with a Dublin hypnotherapist when he was 15, spent over 30 years living, evolving and refining the transformation that is the Apoca seminar process. Having researched and lived  the transformations of Apoca transformation to the highest level’s personally and professionally he is a highly sought after expert in the area’s of deep personal change clients and those wishing to release themselves and all aspects of their lives to higher levels of expression, experience and success. The transformation process that is the Apoca transformation seminar is, if you like the ultimate Master key to opening participants to that life underneath their lives.


    The word Apoca comes from the Greek word Apocalypse meaning to reveal that which is hidden. To part the veil of that which has been hidden / invisible / unavailable/ inaccessible to us. Within the realm of the subconscious mind factual knowledge does not connect at a deep soul subconscious level hence we know lots but nothing changes. With the Apoca transformation re-connection, change effects at non ordinary levels of consciousness through many gateways.


    Asked is the Apoca transformation spiritual , the answer is everything we live is spiritual and nothing is excluded from this. The Apoca seminar re-connects participants to the energy that is in all things and to those realisations all the spiritual masters seek to teach, re-connecting and perceiving through new eyes a world that was never gone, simply unseen. A light of being emanates from those who are realised to themselves which other see, recognise and are drawn to for this, is what everyone seeks and every you meet recognises this  instantly in you as what they seek for themselves. In this way many positive connections result for  participants in attracting positively orientated people, circumstances and opportunities also in this way.


    What ultimately seminar attendee’s experience in this out of the world into the world seminar experience is to uncover the person they always knew they could be and dreamed of being but could never quite touch. Truly seeing a life you recognise but have never truly known, seen through fresh eyes and a clear heart transforms participants lives truly putting the art back into hearts and uncovering and reconnecting your true authentic self to flow freely. In this reconnected state life happens magically and miraculously creating unlimited possibility and potentials, without the blockages and resistances previously inhibiting the true you from really being free to LIVE.


    • Experience fabulous magic of Italy including the magnificent sunshine
    • Experience the Apoca out of this world into the world experience
    • Spend 6 days (7 nights) at the magical Nuova Terra venue
    • Enjoy its original murals (alfresco’s) , stunning surrounds and magnificent veranda
    • Emmersion in your own multi level transformation
    • Create and refine your own dream’s unfoldment deep within
    • Understand where you are in your life
    • Understand how you got there
    • Recognise how you already create reality
    • Master how to free yourself from what you don’t want
    • Answer the ‘what do I want for myself – my life question
    • Align your life with the universal force
    • Reconnect your magic
    • Get the love you want
    • Release your magic
    • Create your own true life experience
    • Empower your dream
    • Get into the jet stream of effortless living & creating
    • Meet and perhaps form lifetime bonds & friendships with amazing like minded people like you
    • Step into the life that’s always been yours and in you with clarity, mastery & renewed confidence in merged partnership with universal forces.


    In this current world of flux, change and upheaval only those who can truly perceive from the highest vista within and without can effect positive change for themselves, the people they love and the greater world. The future will emanate from those who are realised .

    As Martin Luther King said I have been to the mountain to and I have seen the promised land” 

    What he spoke about was a vision afforded him by elevated consciousness. Such is it for all people. What you want is all around you and you have simply been unable to see it. The Apoca process creates the transformation of true seeing. Same world, different eyes.

    Einstein said “the solution to a problem cannot be found at the same level of frequency as the problem ” He is referencing to a higher seeing knowing consciousness. All solutions and attempts at significant life change fail if they are attempted at the same frequency level as the current circumstance. Apoca seminar’s train you in creative consciousness .

    In the same way animals knew to move to high ground before a tsunamis those possessed of true seeing will always make good , far reaching and fortuitous decisions in synchronicity, for the good of all through merged alignment with the higher consciousness which moves and permeates all things. This is already within your grasp. You know this intuitively.

    The Apoca process is the key to unlocking your unlimited consciousness.


    This year Apoca seminar’s Italy are held in the incredible Piedmonte region of Northern Italy.

    Lago Maggiore is part of Lake District of Northern Italy. It’s close the Alps and the Massiccio del Monte Rosa (4634 mt). The landscape is one of the most beautiful of the region. There are lot of hidden gem lakes in the area like Lago d’Orta, Lago di Mergozzo, and Lago di Varese .There are also many natural parks and ancient houses of noble families rich in history. The economy of the area is based on tourism, wine production, and the cultivation of flowers and plants .Of course incredible Italian cuisine is also part of this area.

    It is an out of this world location of incredible beauty, fresh air, and a very special unique place of re-connection to the soul of the earth and deep wisdom of re-connection to our own deepest soul. It is a world out of the world, It is a world to come find your world, to re-discover who you truly are and the gifts the world has waiting for you to receive. That unique inner world in which you were born to live and express. It is very likely you may not want to leave this place at the finish of the seminar.


    The venue for this years Italian seminar’s is a private modern villa, with ensuite bedrooms, professional onsite chef, Ayurvedic vegetarian meals, state of the art seminar area The venue has extensive woodlands, beautiful garden’s, a stone circle and crystal clear water flowing from the mountain spring. In summer there are often found hammocks stung between the tree’s.

    There are stunning views over the Italian countryside from both bedroom  balconies and an incredible open expanse of veranda set high in the hills of the Italian country side close to Lago D’orta and just 20 minutes transfer time from Milan’s Malpensa airport. Transfers to and from the venue are available at no extra charge  within the specific arrivals and departures time window’s advised on seminar booking confirmation email.

    We have been able to offer an incredible 6 day (7 night) seminar package price (excl flights) for exclusive use of this incredible villa for our first time in Italy as a venue.


    If you wish to take that step into the limitless life you know is in you email me  directly

    at : paul@apoca-foundation.org


    The Italian Venue

    The venue for this years Italian seminar’s is a private modern villa, with ensuite bedrooms, professional onsite chef, aryurvedic vegetarian meals, state of the art seminar area .The Villa has been completely restored to its original glory with stunning original 200 year old art work discovered and revealed on the walls.

    The vision and love the Luliano family have brought to the restoration and evolution of this place is supremely evident in every last detail. There is an indescribable soul in this place that reflects very much the essence of timelessness transformation that Apoca seminar’s passion and work is about.

    The house is 4 storeys high and set up in the hills giving even greater and expansive views over the stunning Italian countryside from both the balconies and the incredible open expanse of veranda. The villa is close to Lago D’orta and just 20 minutes transfer time from Milan’s Malpensa airport .

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