Born in Dublin, Ireland
Was an overweight kid growing up
Learnt about the power of the creative imaginative mind over many many recorded sessions with a then rare Dublin Hypnotherapist in 1981 at age 14 whom I’d gone to because of a spider phobia
Began running at age 15 immediately after the sessions ended and lost 3 stones running from 1/4 mile to 13 miles within 3 months.
From 17 I worked my way up through a world renowned customer service orientated fresh food experiences company .In the following 10 years with this company learning everything I could thru many experiences and close workings with the owner,the desire to own a super car costing 3 times the price of the house I lived in and a eureka moment on a beach in Co.Kerry , Ireland inspired me using the power of visualisation and dreaming I’d always used to leave there at age 27 to create my own business from nothing but an idea selling customer experiences .I got the car !
Successfully Built and sold this business 12 years later at 39 . moved into private practice as a Hypno-psychotherapist and created Masterkey mind mastery workshops while managing and growing my own private investment business retained as a spin off of the original business and of course pursued my own bigger dream which saw me involved with Toastmasters as a platform to try out my then (and probably now) non mainstream understandings and ideas on life and our deeper minds which led to an opportunity to hosting and, presenting a radio show .
Moved to the country for more space to further a car collection and to further research the use and power of our minds including 8 years spent in private practice as a psychotherapist specialising in all aspects of personal trauma ,childhood trauma, energetic’s ,life crisis and research into why for some people their dream life often felt more like a nightmare.
During this time I studied with an incessant passion many fields in the area of human potential, transformation and deep research with clients in transforming life circumstances into successful life experiences through unlocking subconscious inhibitors to the clients real hopes , wants and aspirations.
3 years were spent researching the parallels of Law ,banking, money ,precious metals, foundations and trusts and how the inner mind is the root foundation of all these tenets of wealth creation which led to demand to facilitate workshops on wealth creation and the comprehension of money and trusts as a reflection of the nature and workings of the mind.
Consciousness teacher,writer,healer ,traveller,talker, holistic investor ,car enthusiast and passionate workshop facilitator helping people to gain real freedom , love, happiness and personal success in their lives through understanding and that certain magic that happens in those spaces with a little subconscious magic weaved throughout.